sâmbătă, 22 august 2009

My passions..for life

Since young, i have liked drawing nature, people everything i saw...
And i think i was and still am good at it because i have inherited from my father..but i didnt continued to be a pro :(
One teacher saw something in me, my drawing, and he said that i should participate to an art contest!And i did that!! it was very interesting there, i've seen many drawings which were much better than mine..and the jury agreed with me, because i didnt won any prize. But i wasnt so dissapointed because i had an opportunity to see some good painters and to be in their world..and i discovered that drawing for me is only a passion!!
In time, drawing became a way to express my feelings and a way to relax myself in a world created by me. :)
Another passion of mine is photography, and that i had discovered recently :)
Well, i'm crazy about clicking photos because i think it's something unique, magic to capture a moment of someone's life or to enjoy the nature, with all its beauties...
The photos which i like the most are those -flash- because those express very well an emotion from that moment ;)
When someone around me is clicking a pic i say : please, let me do it!!u know i like it!!
And i'm surprised that pic looks how i wanted to look..as in great :D
I feel so happy then, especially when that person photographed likes it :)
Well, that's it about my passions. Hope you enjoyed this story !

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