miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009

Patrick Swaize - my favourite actor

Patrick Swaize was a great actor and a good person. I say "was" because he died last week having cancer, but he died like a fighter with dignity.
For me, i am sad and glad in the same time because he went to a better world like in "The Ghost" !!
Ohh what a great movie, what a role he had..i really liked it!!That movie always makes me feel so sentimental and i think that if you are a good person you will go up there..:)
Definitely "The ghost" is my favourite movie! :)
Another movie which i like is "Dirty dancing"-- he proved that he was a good dancer and if you have dreams and you are ambitious it will come true!!! ;)
So believe in your dreams, people!!

I like him for his good looking also..its true that when you are getting old you're changing but my opinion is he was still young inside and strong to fight with his illness.
And what's important is the soul, we need to care about it!!